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How can smartImager use Active Directory to determine a computer name?

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You can enable a feature in smartImager whereby the smartImager client during imaging can talk to the smartImager server to get a true/false response if a specific computer name already exists in Active Directory or not. 

This can be useful when you are using a script to name your computer, and need to know if a computer name is already taken or not in Active Directory. 

To enable this feature:

  • Log into your server over Remote Desktop
  • Open regedit and go to HKLM\Software\Sircks\smartImager
  • Create/Edit a value of type STRING called QueryAD and set it to 1

Now your smartImager server will respond to web calls using the following syntax:


Note: Replace the red sections above with your appropriate information. 

The response from the server will be a simple True/False string with no markup.


How can smartImager use Active Directory to determine a computer name?

You can enable a feature in smartImager whereby the smartImager client during imaging can talk to the smartImager server to get a true/false response if a specific computer name already exists in Active Directory or not. 

This can be useful when you are using a script to name your computer, and need to know if a computer name is already taken or not in Active Directory. 

To enable this feature:

  • Log into your server over Remote Desktop
  • Open regedit and go to HKLM\Software\Sircks\smartImager
  • Create/Edit a value of type STRING called QueryAD and set it to 1

Now your smartImager server will respond to web calls using the following syntax:


Note: Replace the red sections above with your appropriate information. 

The response from the server will be a simple True/False string with no markup.